Who and What

Hi All,
Welcome to this blog.
I'm autodidacted bicycle enthutist and mechanic, waiting for the right moment to be fully dedicated to the dream of LBS (local bicycle store).

I can do almost everything with your old bike to make it shine and roll.

I can get you everything for your new bike project build.

The only thing I can not do, is to make you ride.

Anyway, fell free to comment, contact and ask questions.

With smile,

27 March 2011

Schwinn fastback comp

First is how I got this frame. I was scrolling thru Yad2 (local second hand board), and marked several interesting items. One was Schwinn fastback comp frame in very mint condition. The price was surprisingly low and smelled fishy. But I said to myself what da hell, call the guy and let’s see. Apparently he stated that it’s not a problem come and get it. So I’ve jumped in to my car ride all the way to Hertzeliya and found myself on the very fancy street second line by the beach where the richest population of Israel hide their treasures. But the house we were heading to was completely different. It was like we found an old Freddy Kruger house. No movements, neglected yard, massive doors with scratches paint and rusty handles. It was really scary, and the door has finally opened the old lady that was standing just added to the whole impression. Fuck it I said, we are getting the fame and running off. The house was huge and felt very empty. I was totally in to the frame and didn’t pay attention to the surroundings, when Max told me hey dude look around. The was not much furniture around and the leftovers were completely destroyed or over used. Very strange experience to find such a poverty in the middle of the richest spot of Israel.
Never the less frame turned out to be in excellent condition, and I have started to look for some friend to build up. Then Max called and said that he has garageman that was inspired by Max’s bike and wants the same for him. No color restoration, just new parts and half of day work.
Check out the character!